The federal government is committed to safeguarding the online marketplace for the benefit and protection of both consumers and businesses. As a result, it has passed a new anti-spam law.
The website, contains information about the law as well as advice on how to protect yourself and your electronic devices from being attacked, and what you can do to fight spam under the new legislation. While on the site:
• Take the online spam quiz to test your knowledge of electronic threats.
• Read the information sheets to learn how to protect yourself or your business from spam and other electronic threats.
• Look at the Frequently Asked Questions section to learn more about the new anti-spam law.
The law targets various types of violations including:
• The sending of commercial electronic messages without express or implied consent;
• The installation of computer programs on another person's computer system without express consent;
• False or misleading electronic representations used to promote products, services or business interests; and
• The unauthorized collection of electronic addresses and the collection of personal information by accessing a computer system in contravention of an Act of Parliament.